To Drive Back the Night. To Restore the Light.

Saturday, 4 March 2017

Mirabelle Markelhay (Jelly)

Mirabelle Markelhay, Human Mage Wizard

Wayward and stubborn, Mirabelle was never going to fulfil her poor mother's hopes of being married off to an eligible bachelor of suitable nobility. A clever bookworm with an adventurous streak and a romantic's heart, she instead seemed destined for the mage's path. Lady Aranda therefore decided that Nimorazan the Green should be tasked with Mirabelle's tutelage; and she proved a quick study and an enthusiastic student. Her gift for enchantment spells, particularly, made sneaking out most evenings to the local taverns to practise her illusions and flirt with her favourite bard, Tailean the True, all too easy.

Mirabelle's thirst for knowledge is only surpassed, perhaps, by her magpie's eye for jewellery and expensive gowns. A happy go lucky and gregarious personality, she has a large weakness for fine wine and Elvish men, preferably simultaneously. Recently, Mirabelle has been growing increasingly restless living between the confines of Nimorazan's tower (she has exhausted the small library therein) and the dull clockwork of court life; she is itching for an excuse to escape and put her skills to the test......

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